Thanks to Rona, 2020 has been a rough year for love. With thousands of new infections each day, some folks are wondering: can we even still fuck? The answer is a resounding…. maybe? Whether you decide to brave the elements or self-quarantine for a while, here’s a few tips to keep your dating life alive:
Apps. Get active on apps like Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid…… cause we’re only online-dating now
Webcam. Alternatively, it might be a good time to get involved with financial-domming. Or possibly web-camming? Anything to keep you from actually interacting with live human beings. Plus, you can use the extra cash to order delivery for all your meals.
Alcohol. Those vodka-cranberries you’d drink out on a date? Skip the cranberry and use vodka to make a DIY hand sanitizer. Then maybe have a shot of vodka anyway, because quarantine can be lonely.
Namaste. If you must go outside and interact with others, embrace the elbow bump. Or the Japanese bow. Or the plain ol' Namaste. But for the love of god, don’t actually embrace.
Protection first! Be sure to use condoms! Try the new Magnum XXXL COVID-19 Edition. Spoiler alert: it's just a hazmat suit.
Latex. Latex gloves are for more than just fisting! Keep them in your bag so you don’t have to touch anything or anyone.
Wash your hands. Before your date. And after your date. And a few times during your date. In fact, cancel your date and stay home to wash your hands.